The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring

“Hold, fair sir, do not shoot,” said the mare, to the astonishment of the lad.

Alexi lowered his bow and slowly approached the remarkable mare.

What’s the Story?

Based on Russian folk tales, The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring  follows Alexi, a young huntsman in search of adventure and fortune. When Alexi discovers the Golden Mare he spares her life. In return, the mare pledges her unwavering loyalty to the merciful huntsman.


With her help, Alexi becomes the Tsar’s esteemed huntsman. But the Tsar covets the Golden Mare, who will let no one except Alexi ride her. When the Tsar imposes impossible challenges upon Alexi, promising death for failure, Alexi must depend on the Golden Mare’s aid.


Alexi’s ultimate test arrives when the Tsar demands Alexi retrieve Yelena the Fair to be the old Tsar’s bride.


Will Alexi be able to save both himself and Yelena from peril?

Why is it Great?

This retelling of a classic Russian folktale brings an old story to new eyes. Not only are Ruth Sanderson’s full-color oil paintings luxurious, vibrant, and full of detail, but they also capture the essence of Russian folklore.

Like many fairy tales, The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring is a morality tale and the moral of the story is mercy.


Throughout the story, Alexi must make difficult decisions. As a huntsman, its his job to track down and kill the beasts of the forest. But when confronted with the magnificence of the Golden Mare, Alexi chooses to spare her rather than take her as a trophy.


The Golden Mare rewards Alexi but the Tsar is jealous of his good fortune and Alexi soon finds himself in mortal danger. Time and time again, Alexi must choose between what is advantageous and what is right. Ultimately, he chooses mercy – and not just for the Golden Mare, the Firebird, and Yelena the Fair. In the end, when Alexi is in a position to destroy his enemy forever, he chooses mercy and spares the Tsar.


Ultimately, The Golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring is a great addition to anyone’s read-aloud library.

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